全球新闻自由指数(Worldwide Press Freedom Index)是什么?
根据其官方网站披露的 2021 年的排行。挪威、芬兰、瑞典、丹麦排名前四,均为北欧国家。冰岛稍逊,排名第16。越南排名175,略优于中国(赢)。
以下是 RSF 对越南的评价:
由于越南的媒体都听从共产党的命令,独立报道信息的唯一来源是博客和独立记者,他们正受到越来越严厉的迫害,包括便衣警察的暴力。为了证明监禁他们的正当性,越共诉诸刑法,特别是其中的三个条款,即 “旨在推翻政府的活动”、”反国家的宣传 “和 “滥用自由和民主权利以威胁国家利益 “可被判处长期监禁。自从党的领导层被以阮富仲为首的强硬派接管后,恐怖程度大大增加,阮富仲的控制权在2021年1月的五年一次的大会上得到了确认。2020年,越南独立记者协会(IJAVN)的几名成员被逮捕,三人被判处11至15年的监禁。曾在2019年获得无国界组织新闻自由影响奖的女记者范文庄也被逮捕。总共有30多名记者和博主现在被关押在越南的监狱里,那里经常发生虐待事件。与此同时,随着越南公民越来越多地参与网络,当局一直在完善其数字镇压方法,军队成立了一个名为 “47部队 “的1万多人的军事网络战部门,其任务是保卫党并针对持不同意见的博主。根据2019年生效的网络犯罪法,外国网络平台必须将其越南用户数据存储在越南的服务器上,并在需要时向当局交出数据。
As Vietnam’s media all follow the Communist Party’s orders, the only sources of independently-reported information are bloggers and independent journalists, who are being subjected to ever-harsher harsh forms of persecution, including plainclothes police violence. To justify jailing them, the Party resorts to the criminal code, especially three articles under which “activities aimed at overthrowing the government,” “anti-state propaganda” and “abusing the rights to freedom and democracy to threaten the interests of the state” are punishable by long prison terms. The level of terror has increased significantly since the Party leadership was taken over by hardliners headed by Nguyen Phu Trong, whose control was confirmed by the five-yearly congress in January 2021. Several members of the Independent Journalists Association of Vietnam (IJAVN) were arrested in 2020 and three were given sentences ranging from 11 to 15 years in prison. Pham Doan Trang, a woman journalist who had been awarded the RSF Press Freedom Prize for Impact in 2019, was also arrested. In all, more than 30 journalists and bloggers are now held in Vietnam’s jails, where mistreatment is common. Meanwhile, as Vietnam’s citizens become increasingly engaged online, the authorities have been refining their digital repressive methods, with the army creating a 10,000-strong military cyber-warfare department called “Force 47,” which is tasked with defending the Party and targeting dissident bloggers. Under a cyber-crime law that took effect in 2019, foreign online platforms are required to store their Vietnamese user data on servers in Vietnam and surrender it to the authorities when required.